Hosting an outdoor event? Here are some great sign solutions

Jack Rabbit Signs Blog June Art Festival

Outdoor signage can help take your event to the next level, whether you’re hosting a simple backyard barbecue, a yard sale, or a giant holiday bash. Learn more about the best signs for outdoor events, and call Jack Rabbit Signs when you’re ready to create your own.

Summer is here, and with it comes peak outdoor event season. Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue, concert, yard sale, or birthday bash, outdoor signage can take your event to the next level.

At Jack Rabbit Signs, we offer easily customizable signs that can handle the wear and tear of outdoor exposure—all at an affordable price. Take a look at a few of the outdoor sign options offered by Jack Rabbit Signs, and give us a call when you’re ready to design your custom sign!


Banners are a staple for outdoor events thanks in large part to their size, cost, and relative durability. At Jack Rabbit Signs, our banners come in a variety of dimensions, so whether you need something to hang across your garage or a simple wall decoration, we can help you customize the perfect outdoor sign.

Wayfinding stakes

If you’re hosting an outdoor event like a yard sale or concert, then you’ll likely want to direct people to certain areas. Wire stake signs can be used for easy wayfinding, pointing to areas of interest—whether that’s extra seating, food and drink stands, bathrooms, or entrances and exits. We can help you design wayfinding signs that clearly communicate directions and are bold enough to draw people’s eyes to where they need to be.

A-frame signs

While a-frame signs are similar to wire stake signs, they tend to be a little larger, making them perfect for posting things like menus, event schedules, or special messages. Plus, since they can be double-sided, you can rotate the sign when needed and get a little extra real estate for no extra cost.

Customized tabletop displays

If you’re participating in an outdoor event like a yard sale, farmer’s market, or art festival, then you will likely need some sort of signage introducing your business to potential customers. A tabletop display — including things like a free-standing sign, business cards, and flyers — is a sleek and simplified way of showcasing your brand and can be reused time and time again. The Jack Rabbit Signs team can help you customize your tabletop display to include the right colors, logos, and text to make your business shine.

Bring your outdoor event to life with Jack Rabbit Signs

If you’re ready to take your outdoor event to the next level with custom signage, the Jack Rabbit Signs team is here to help. Give us a call today at 919-571-1185 if you have any questions or are ready to get started!